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Mr. Bone Jangles

Brown Roofing Inc.

Hometown: Seymour Cemetery
Mr. Bone Jangles from Brown Roofing Inc.

Allow us to introduce you to a truly unique member of our team, Bones Jangles. One day, out of the blue, he walked through our doors and brought with him an extraordinary talent for craftsmanship. We didn't hesitate to welcome him aboard at Brown Roofing, where he quickly proved himself as an indispensable man or skeleton to our team.


Bones Jangles is not an ordinary craftsman; he's an exceptionally skilled artisan, bringing a level of expertise and precision to his work that is truly remarkable. With his keen eye (if he has one) for detail and a passion for his craft, he transforms roofing projects into works of art. His dedication to quality and his ability to bring intricate designs to life have made him a cherished member of our team.


When Bones isn't hanging around (quite literally), he enjoys rattling his bones to the rhythm of classic spooky tunes. He's a connoisseur of creepy literature and can often be found with his skull buried in a spine-chilling mystery novel. Bones also loves haunting the nearby pumpkin patch during fall, relishing in the spooky ambiance of the season.


Despite his enigmatic arrival, Bones Jangles has seamlessly integrated into our close-knit family at Brown Roofing. His mysterious background only adds to his intrigue, making him a fascinating and valued presence among us. We are honored to have such a talented and dedicated craftsman on our team, and we look forward to seeing the magic he continues to create with every project he undertakes. Welcome, Bones Jangles, to the Brown Roofing family!


Videos from projects I was involved with