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Klaus Roofing Systems by J Smegal

Title: Company Driver
Hometown: Lanesborough, MA
Jim from Klaus Roofing Systems by J Smegal

Jim joins our team with 15 years of experience in commercial driving. He is thoroughly trained and certified with Klaus Roofing System and is well versed in OSHA safety. 

Jim starts every morning off by communicating with his coworker Jesse as to what installation is on his task list for the day. Together they make an unstoppable team by making sure that every installation is cleaned, organized, and is set for success. He is always willing to learn something new and knows how to go with the flow.

"What I love most about my job is always being on the move and seeing new places!"

When Jim isn't working you can typically find him snowmobiling, on his motorcycle, or fishing.

Company Awards

#3 Dealer for Klaus Roofing Systems
#3 Dealer for Klaus Roofing Systems