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Sump Pump Replacement in Richmond, VA Basement

This basement had an existing sump pump, however, it wasn't keeping up with the water in the space. The system also lacked an air-tight lid, allowing moisture and odors to rise back into the space. 


This pump was replaced with the SuperSump Plus. Housed in a large liner, the SuperSump plus is a 1/3 hp pump atop a clean pump stand that keeps it out of silt and sediment to prevent clogs and is housed in a basin with an air-tight lid and water-watch alarm. The alarm alerts the homeowner if the water in the basin gets too high or if there is a water leak from above, such as a pipe leak or burst hot water heater, that hits the top of the basin. A valve on top of the basin allows water from above in, so that it can drain and be pumped away. 


In addition, the homeowner also opted for the UltraSump Battery Backup which will kick in and operate the pump in case of power failure. 

Installing a Basement Super Sump in Richmond, VA

A homeowner in Richmond, VA was experiencing flood within their basement and had us install a Super Sump to help remove any excess water. The Super Sump has an efficient 1/3 cast iron pump on top of a CleanPump stand with an air-tight lid covering the sump basin. It is also equipped with a WaterWatch alarm system in case the pump fails or the water exceeds its capabilities. A drain line is connected to guide any water collected out of the basement and to a predetermined location on the homeowner's property.

Sealing Off Moisture from a Colonial Beach, VA Basement

Moisture was seeping through the porous foundation walls of this basement in Colonial Beach. We installed a durable 20-mil CleanSpace vapor barrier over these basement walls, which will help to collect any moisture seeping through the walls and direct it to the Water Guard XL drainage system. The CleanSpace vapor barrier acts as a barrier between the usable basement space and the outside influences.

Installing a SuperSump Plus in a Colonial Beach, VA Basement

This basement in Colonial Beach was having issues with infiltrating water. We created a hole to fit our SuperSump Plus system in connection with the WaterGuard drainage system. This efficient sump pump basin contains a cast iron 1/3 horsepower Zoller pump, a WaterWatch alarm system, a CleanPump sump pump stand, and an airtight lid. Any water directed to this sump system is then drained out of the home via hose line and LawnScape to a predetermined area on the property away from the foundation. 

Basement Waterproofing in Tappahannock, VA

Water has been seeping through these basement walls and causing moisture damage to the insulation on the floors above. The homeowner wanted to replace their insulation and waterproof the basement. 

We installed the WaterGuard system with SuperSump Plus and Ultra Sump Battery Back-up sump pump system and replaced the insulation on the floors above.