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Great Barrington, MA Roof Replacement IKO Dynasty Driftshake Shingles

Glendale, MA Roof Replacement IKO Dynasty Granite Black Shingles

This is not a simple job. Our whole staff works as a team to get a quality roof over your head! The key is communication, hardwork, and dedication. 

Richmond, MA Roof Replacement IKO Dynasty Frostone Grey Shingles

Valleys become rivers in heavy rain and accumulate snow and ice in the winter. Our crew does valleys right. A fully adhered membrane is used to line the valley decks. A "California Cut" shingle pattern is used. These homeowners were excited to have a reliable and leak-free roof on their house.

Southfield, MA Roof Replacement IKO Dynasty Driftshake Shingles

Old roof? No problem! We guarantee that we can update and ventilate your roof! Just look at this amazing roof we put on this house!

Lee, MA Roof Replacement IKO Dynasty Castle Grey Shingles

Our crew removed the exiting shingles on this house in Lee, MA and did a total Klaus roof replacement with IKO Castle Grey shingles!